The World’s 10 Best Cities to Live In 2019

Denmark has been named the world’s best country to live in, according to the statistical analysis (2019 ) by the CEOWORLD magazine, with Switzerland Finland, Australia, and Austria rounding off the top five. The ranking looks at 70 countries around the world. As for European countries, they occupy 8 of the top 10 spots in this year’s ranking. Rank Country Quality of life (0verall) House price to income ratio Purchasing power Traffic commute time Pollution Climate Personal safety Health care Services Cost of living 1 Denmark 198.57 6.93 114.39 28.51 22.14 81.8 75.75 79.41 81.38 2 Switzerland 195.93 9.63 129.7 29.05 22.03 80.05 78.5 72.68 121.16 3 Finland 194.01 7.98 112.3 30.41 11.93 58.56 77.2 73.49 72.82 4 Australia 191.13 7.6 122.85 35.29 23.97 93.75 57.24 76.38 72.08 5 Austria 191.05 10.14 96.7 25.15 21.97 77.74 78.63 79.19 71.79 6 Netherlands 188.91 7.38 102.54 29.87 27.45 87.45 71.43 77.81 74.83 7 Iceland 187.79 6.58 91.8 19.74 15.24 68.81 ...

Things you might not know about me

Things you might not know about me

I’m working on my first cup of coffee this morning and I’ve
decided to use today’s post to have a bit of fun…
People oftentimes forget that business should be fun.
So much of what’s written online today lacks any sense of personal
connection. Most people are simply afraid to REALLY be themselves.
So instead they try to act ‘professional’ and all of they’re writing
comes out dry and dull.
Or, even worse, they try to be like someone else – and they end up
looking like a bad Elvis impersonator… The ‘bloated’ version with a
lousy voice.
Not pretty!
So let’s put away the Elvis costume and bring out the
real McCoy! Raw…Rebel…Quirky…and 100% human.
So in order to prove that I’m not a robot that stays locked
in a marketing laboratory all day, I’ve decided to share 10
of my own quirks, habits, and closely guarded secrets…
1. I have a HUGE Afrikaans family with a lot of crazy cousins. If you’ve ever seen
the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” you’ll get an idea of what our family get
together are like. Loud. Crazy. And I wouldn’t change it for a second.
2. I LOVE the smell of newly build houses or apartments. It smells so fresh and clean.
3. I like to break all the rules of business. I like to look at what everyone
else is doing and then do the opposite. I’d like to think it’s part of what
makes me stand out from the rest. Doing your own thing and doing it well.
4. I loved playing in boxes when I was little. In addition to building massive
forts and pillow fights.
7. Fear is my greatest friend. Whenever I’m afraid to do something new – afraid
to go outside of my comfort zone – I know I’m about to breakthrough to a new
level in my life or in my business. The biggest growth in your business ALWAYS
lies OUTSIDE your comfort zone.
So the next time your afraid to do something – realise that something BIG is
about to happen in your life – if you fight through the fear and do the thing anyway.
8. I love cooking and the art of food. Fine dining, home style, as long as it's delicious.
9. If I could get rid of just one thing – it would be the need for sleep. I’m
always wishing for more hours in the day.
10. I’m a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. You know how most girls have a walk-in
closet full of clothes. Well, mine’s a tiny closet that’s half full.
Okay… I’m headed back to the marketing lab – all this human stuff is wearing me out.
But I’d love to hear a bit about you! Feel free to post in the comments with your own quirks :)


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