The World’s 10 Best Cities to Live In 2019

Denmark has been named the world’s best country to live in, according to the statistical analysis (2019 ) by the CEOWORLD magazine, with Switzerland Finland, Australia, and Austria rounding off the top five. The ranking looks at 70 countries around the world. As for European countries, they occupy 8 of the top 10 spots in this year’s ranking. Rank Country Quality of life (0verall) House price to income ratio Purchasing power Traffic commute time Pollution Climate Personal safety Health care Services Cost of living 1 Denmark 198.57 6.93 114.39 28.51 22.14 81.8 75.75 79.41 81.38 2 Switzerland 195.93 9.63 129.7 29.05 22.03 80.05 78.5 72.68 121.16 3 Finland 194.01 7.98 112.3 30.41 11.93 58.56 77.2 73.49 72.82 4 Australia 191.13 7.6 122.85 35.29 23.97 93.75 57.24 76.38 72.08 5 Austria 191.05 10.14 96.7 25.15 21.97 77.74 78.63 79.19 71.79 6 Netherlands 188.91 7.38 102.54 29.87 27.45 87.45 71.43 77.81 74.83 7 Iceland 187.79 6.58 91.8 19.74 15.24 68.81 ...

About me

First of all, Hi :)

This is my first ever blog post on my first ever blog, so please forgive me.
I want to start off my introducing myself. My name will remain unknown and you shall know me as H.M.S. (I'm a closeted blogger [for now]).

I am from South Africa and grew up in a small country town with beautiful views, but that is about it. My parents didn't have the resources to send me to college or university, so as soon as I was finished with high school I started the search for a job. I don't know how difficult it is where you are from, but here if you don't have the correct appearance or qualifications it is extremely difficult
 to find any kind of work.

I was still dating my high school sweetheart by that time and he put in a good word for me with his work and so I started working there. I have been working here ever since. It has been really difficult as I received minimum wage, because I didn't have any work experience. Just moved in with my partner and struggled to get by on what we had. It's now 2 years later, we are a bit better of, but still struggling. I heard a statement that I relate to strongly : "I am just surviving and not living". I will be giving my resignation notice in a weeks time as I am done surviving and ready to start living. The atmosphere at work is toxic and the people in charge is corrupt and it has had a toll on my health.

But enough about that, we recently got engaged and it is the happiest I have been in almost ever. We still live in the same (very, very small) apartment with my two rescued cats, but it has been okay.

On my blog I will be sharing my experiences as a stay at home wife, interesting things about animals, some fun and healthy (or not) recipes and much more.

I hope that you will join me on my journey and please comment and email me with anything you would like to say or share.


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